Watch the India's first web movie "U Me Aur Ghar" official trailer, starring Omkar Kapoor & Simran Kaur Mundi presented by Web Talkies.
Chitti aka Chitranshi Mazumdar(Simran Kaur Mundi) and Mittu aka Mithilesh Chaturvedi (Omkar Kapoor) are into a romantic live-in relationship. They live in a Mumbai flat posing as cousins and that’s where the cookie crumbles. Watch this funny, twisted and dramatic tale of love, quarrel and passion.
If you like this Trailer, then you can pre-book this movie:
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Web Talkies
Chitti aka Chitranshi Mazumdar(Simran Kaur Mundi) and Mittu aka Mithilesh Chaturvedi (Omkar Kapoor) are into a romantic live-in relationship. They live in a Mumbai flat posing as cousins and that’s where the cookie crumbles. Watch this funny, twisted and dramatic tale of love, quarrel and passion.
If you like this Trailer, then you can pre-book this movie:
Click here to Pre-book From: (in just 60Rs.)
Web Talkies
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