Karan Johar is known to give launchpad to the young actors like Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra. Recently, he has launched Sridevi's daughter Janhvi Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khatter in Dhadak. Karan is also planning to cast two young actor opposite Tiger Shroff in the Student Of The Year sequel.
According to a source in a leading daily, Karan is planning to introduce Chunky Panday's daughter Ananya in SOTY 2 and is giving her pro tips to groom herself. The source said, "Karan is also going to introduce Chunky Pandey’s daughter Ananya in showbiz with the film. He has already advised her to start working on herself."
According to a source in a leading daily, Karan is planning to introduce Chunky Panday's daughter Ananya in SOTY 2 and is giving her pro tips to groom herself. The source said, "Karan is also going to introduce Chunky Pandey’s daughter Ananya in showbiz with the film. He has already advised her to start working on herself."
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